Time for some Questionnnss
lunedì 20 ottobre 2014 alle 13:41 da Sunny Bunny Scamander

Ok well I've been tagged by my neechan Hicchan! And sorry for being so late I'll do it right now

Four Seasons Test!

Winter. http://pldh.net/media/pokemon/gen5/blackwhite_animated_front/585-winter.gif
1. what do you like the most in winter? standing by the fire and eating hot chocolate with marshmellows while playing/reading a book or cuddling with my boyfriend
2. have you ever read a book near the fire? of course! I love it!
3. have you ever built a snow angel? everytime it snows I do that and the snow bunny too!
4. have you ever seen Santa's sleight? nope..
5. what colour is you favourite coat? I have a lovely and fluffy pink coat with bunny ears on the hood
6. how many times do you wash your hair in winter? twice a week, like the other season even if it's soo cold
7. what's you favourite christmas movie? I LOVE the grinch and Polar Express, I love both the same way and I watch them every christmas
8. have you ever eaten an ice cream in winter? yup, when I'm sad..
9. Panettone or Pandoro? Pandoro!
10. hat colour is your favourite scarf? It's Slytherin...

Spring .https://31.media.tumblr.com/8acbfff729628e5f31e8e62b6bea111b/tumblr_inline_n2vbsmUnYZ1rkg27w.gif
1. What do you like the most in spring? taking picture of flowers and nature and having pic nic in the woods
2. what's your favurite flower? Sakura flowers and lily of the valley
3, What are the colors associated with tis season? Pastel colors
4.do you often cut your hair in this period? nope! I want long hair!
5. when does spring starts for you? when flowers  bloom.
6. what smell describes it better? smell of rivers in woods andwet grass
7. do you ever pick flowers and store them? yup! I mae flower crowns or bracelets and I love to store them in books and I wanna make an erbolario
8.do you like walks? I llove walks! I love walking in the woods and surrounded by nature.
9. have you ever sunburned in this period? nope ewe I always use cream protection! I wanna stay pale like porcelain
10. what food remembers you of spring?? mochi!! sakura mochi!

Summer. http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140816001351/pokemon/images/5/58/DeerlingSummerXY.gif
1. What do you like the most in summer? hot weather, sunflowers and the happy feels that the sun gives you with his warmth
2. favourite fruit? Strawberries!
3.do you prefere seaside or swimming pool? I love seaside! But I'm afraid of the water full of weeds
4. do you like to go to the swimming pool parks? I love them!
5. what's your favourite drink? cedrata
6. what do you hate about this season? I hate big mosquitoes! They're so scary and mosquitoes in general, it hurts... my feelings..I HATE THEEM
7. what time do you go to sleep? late
8. do you like mountain? of course! I'm a scout!
9. what swimsuit do you wear? it depends, I love pink swimsuits
10. how do you spend your days? I love to go out with my friends, stay with my boyfriend

Autumn. http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/e/e3/585Deerling-Autumn.png/110px-585Deerling-Autumn.png
1. what do you like about Autumn? EVERYTHING
2. what's your favourite sweet? chestnuts!! lots of chestnuts!
3. do you celebrate halloween? I FUCKING LOVE HALLOWEEEEN
4. do you do the trick or treat? Yes! I love tricks!

5.what don't you like about autumn?
I love it! srry
6.what color is your umbrella? pink with white pois!
7 do you prefere a cold or a hot autumn? cold! so I can stay warm in my house
8. when does autumn starts? when leaves are falling!
9. You like going to school?
10. what school did you attend? scientific

I tag... Senpai,Sarah,Lolly,Liam,Rin,Usagi,Lar...no kidding, if you want it, take it HAA.


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Hello everyone and welcome back to my old blog! I've missed this blog and my stuff so much and I hope I will be able to post back again!I'm Bunny! Or Rori as you prefere! I'm a non community agedre and i love kawaii stuff,anime,manga,TV series and movies!I'm an horror junkie and a gamer! Please feel free to message me or comment and let's be friends!

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Il re arriva la galoppo liberandosi della sua ombra, facendo stridere l'armatura calciando le ossa succhiando carne e sangue digrignando distrugge il cuore e la mente lungo il cammino solitario verso un luogo remoto e lontano.
Se mi darai un paio di ali, io volerò per te anche se la terra intera dovesse venire sommersa dall'acqua. Se tu mi darai una una spada, io combatterò per te anche se il cielo intero dovesse trapassarti di luce. -bleach-
Aah, noi siamo avvelenati dalla luce della Luna -bleach-
Scricchiola, scricchiola, torre del Purgatorio, che squarci il mondo come la luce. Trema, trema, torre della spina dorsale, a precipitare saremo noi o il cielo? -bleach-
Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation. -OW-
900 years of time and space, Ive never met anyone who wasn't important -Doctor Who-
I am and always will be the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes and the dreamer of improbable dreams. -doctor who-
The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. Good things don’t always soften the bad things, but vice versa, the bad things don’t necessarily spoil the good things or make them unimportant. -doctor who-
what's the point of growing up if you can't be childish sometimes. -doctor who-
Vieni tu dal cielo profondo o sorgi dall'abisso, Beltà? Il tuo sguardo, infernale e divino, versa, mischiandoli, beneficio e delitto. -Baudelaire-
Da Satana o da Dio, che importa? Angelo o Sirena, se tu ci rendi – fata dagli occhi di velluto, ritmo, profumo, luce, mia unica regina! – l'universo meno odioso, meno pesante il minuto? -Baudelaire-
Fermate gli orologi, il telefono sia rimosso, Tenete buono il cane con un succulento osso, Fate tacere i pianoforti e con un rullio smorzato Esponete la bara, ricevete chi è addolorato Fate che gli aerei volteggino alti con sconforto scrivendo nel cielo il messaggio: Lui è Morto, Adornate di crespo il collo dei piccioni metropolitani, Fate indossare guanti neri ai vigili urbani. Lui era il mio Nord, il mio Sud, il mio Oriente e il mio Occidente, La mia settimana di lavoro e la mia domenica a far niente, Il mio mezzogiorno, la mia mezzanotte, il mio discorso, il mio canto, Credevo che l'amore fosse eterno: mi sbagliavo tanto. Non servono più le stelle: spegnetele una a una; Smantellate il sole e imballate la luna; Svuotate l'oceano, sradicate le piante. Perchè ormai più nulla sarà importante. -W.H.Auden
...Ascoltavo la pioggia... domandare al silenzio quanti nastri di strade annodavano il cuore. ...E la pioggia piangeva... asciugandosi al vento sopra tetti spioventi di desolati paesi. -A.Merini

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