Umbria Player Day With Mamo-chan& Friends!
domenica 7 dicembre 2014 alle 09:55 da Sunny Bunny Scamander


"Let's hold hands, let's go to the beach
It's so emotional, just the two of us
You can see a moonbow in the sky
Goodbye, there's no way I'll cry" 

Hello bunnies! How are you today? I'm pretty fine but a bit tired! Yesterday I went with Mamo-chan and our friends to the Umbria games and we had so much fun together! At the beginning there were stands for room decorations and stuff and we though we were in the wrong place. But finally we found the right one and it was quite big on the inside! there were a lot of stands with pluchies and I had to control myself from buying one. There was a stand with huge kitty plushies and also league of legends plushie! I felt in love with the Jinx sweatshirt!image It was so cool and soon I'll get it for sure!  We walked through the stands and then we decided to try some table games, the first one was M 400 but it was quite boring and the drawings were too simpleimage

Then me and Mamo-chan walkled to see the other stands that were quite cute! I love the christmas atmosphere and the decorations and Christmas stuff everywhere! We walked and tried some wines and free tasty food! Then we went to a coat shop and a Guy was there like "come on lady try this coat!" It was quite cool and I tried it, but it was too expensive and then..

me: it's so soft, what is it?
                                                                      guy: ...lamb
me: ........ 

Mamo-chan bought one for himself, I did'nt ask what was it made of but...he was cute with that  and he liked it so it's ok.. I love Mamo chan more THEEEN. We returned with our friends for dinner and then Mamo chan bought me the super doctor who bag with the matching  billfold!

I also added the Pikachu cosplay PIN they gave to us for the event!

It's very comfy and with lots of  compartments! I really love it!

Then we tried the game Hoshi! And it was funny! We also tried the new game "Dark Tales" and we loved it! It's super cool with super cool illustrations and We had a lot of fun! We bought the normal piece and the Snowhite expansion! And it's so cool! We're gonna play it soon with our friends!

After dinner we played another game named " creatures of the night" and it's a game where you're a Werewolf, vampire or humand and you win if you complete your quest! It's quite cute but uinlucvkly I was the Wolf.. WAH!


We went to our friend's house to play the new Munckin with werewolves and vampires! I had so much fun reading the cards! so funny!

And Tomorrow we will go to the Christmas  fla market in my town! I want my mamo-chan!  


Etichette: , , , ,

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Hello everyone and welcome back to my old blog! I've missed this blog and my stuff so much and I hope I will be able to post back again!I'm Bunny! Or Rori as you prefere! I'm a non community agedre and i love kawaii stuff,anime,manga,TV series and movies!I'm an horror junkie and a gamer! Please feel free to message me or comment and let's be friends!

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Il re arriva la galoppo liberandosi della sua ombra, facendo stridere l'armatura calciando le ossa succhiando carne e sangue digrignando distrugge il cuore e la mente lungo il cammino solitario verso un luogo remoto e lontano.
Se mi darai un paio di ali, io volerò per te anche se la terra intera dovesse venire sommersa dall'acqua. Se tu mi darai una una spada, io combatterò per te anche se il cielo intero dovesse trapassarti di luce. -bleach-
Aah, noi siamo avvelenati dalla luce della Luna -bleach-
Scricchiola, scricchiola, torre del Purgatorio, che squarci il mondo come la luce. Trema, trema, torre della spina dorsale, a precipitare saremo noi o il cielo? -bleach-
Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation. -OW-
900 years of time and space, Ive never met anyone who wasn't important -Doctor Who-
I am and always will be the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes and the dreamer of improbable dreams. -doctor who-
The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. Good things don’t always soften the bad things, but vice versa, the bad things don’t necessarily spoil the good things or make them unimportant. -doctor who-
what's the point of growing up if you can't be childish sometimes. -doctor who-
Vieni tu dal cielo profondo o sorgi dall'abisso, Beltà? Il tuo sguardo, infernale e divino, versa, mischiandoli, beneficio e delitto. -Baudelaire-
Da Satana o da Dio, che importa? Angelo o Sirena, se tu ci rendi – fata dagli occhi di velluto, ritmo, profumo, luce, mia unica regina! – l'universo meno odioso, meno pesante il minuto? -Baudelaire-
Fermate gli orologi, il telefono sia rimosso, Tenete buono il cane con un succulento osso, Fate tacere i pianoforti e con un rullio smorzato Esponete la bara, ricevete chi è addolorato Fate che gli aerei volteggino alti con sconforto scrivendo nel cielo il messaggio: Lui è Morto, Adornate di crespo il collo dei piccioni metropolitani, Fate indossare guanti neri ai vigili urbani. Lui era il mio Nord, il mio Sud, il mio Oriente e il mio Occidente, La mia settimana di lavoro e la mia domenica a far niente, Il mio mezzogiorno, la mia mezzanotte, il mio discorso, il mio canto, Credevo che l'amore fosse eterno: mi sbagliavo tanto. Non servono più le stelle: spegnetele una a una; Smantellate il sole e imballate la luna; Svuotate l'oceano, sradicate le piante. Perchè ormai più nulla sarà importante. -W.H.Auden
...Ascoltavo la pioggia... domandare al silenzio quanti nastri di strade annodavano il cuore. ...E la pioggia piangeva... asciugandosi al vento sopra tetti spioventi di desolati paesi. -A.Merini

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a lost unicorn
template and code hikari megami ©
graphics rori Utsuki Manami ©
images from E-shuushuu