What makes me feel little
venerdì 20 dicembre 2019 alle 12:43 da Sunny Bunny Scamander
                           Risultati immagini per kawaii gif girl
Hi everybunny and welcome back to my blog! and yeah I'm still here! sooo there are a few news I wanna talk to you about! first of all, this year I was diagnosed with the Asperger syndrome image I got a light form of this but that explains many things actually image I had many tests and they were all positive! that's why I was so sensible to loud sounds or lights! Or I focus so much on something that I don't even care about the rest around me image I use to obsess with things and change my obsession really quickly and want to have everything of it like: I am obsessed with Star Wars and I have to get all the Star wars merch or Harry Potter merch! (hehe yes it's me)  image I am also very imaginative and always hide in the fantasy world in my head to rest or feel safe, or maybe I just go into AGEDRE and enjoy little things to free my mind! image I am also very shy and don't like crowdy places or too many social interactions image I like more meeting my friends alone and in safe places like my home~ image so yeah! I'm an aspie girl and finally proud to know and be myself image  soooo today I wanna talk about the things that makes me feel little! I uploaded on my pc saome of the latest picture I took for my insta but yeah why not talk more about them? image I hope my followers will read and interact with this cause I wish Blog were more considerated image

Sooo first of all I love Baby Bath time! I love to fill my bathub with warm water and a lovely bath bomb! I love to watch my water change color and play with toys in it! image I love choosing my pajama and wear it aaal perfumed imageat first I was against Johnson's propducts but now they changed many ingredients to make them more safe and reduce testings (hoping they will totally end this) image but the smell is so so good, my favourite one is cottontouch! I have both bath gel and body lotion! they smell so so good and makes me feel so small and helps me so so much going out of a sensory meltdown image

this is my monster high mermaid! Posea Reef! her fighes on her tail lights up in the dark! I also have Siren von boo! I love her face so much!

This is the Ariel that my friends got me for my birthday! I love her so much! she light up and sings under the sea!

 these are my glimmies and they lights up under water and daddy got me the ones I have! the ducks are from a shop in San Marino! in Italy! there was a special shop with only rubber ducks! My Sissy Duckie would love it! image

ok this is my bath wash 2 in 1 and face and body lotion! they smell so so good! image 100% soft

Also being in spaces like my princess tent or my bunk bed makes me feel safe, surrounded by my plushes and all the happy things! image it doesn't have to be totally closed cause I am afraid of closed spaces, I always have to see an open space anyway! image  I finally can use my posters and stick more! I wanna print an Alastor poster ASAP hehe image baby Deer! Btw  I use to stay here and color or watch outside cause I have a lovely tree and a terrace that I can't wait to use in summer! image  I love to watch TV or play videogames on the upper bed! and finally I have so much space for my plushes! image the drawings you see are gifts from my talented best friend Tamber mizuki! look for her on instagram!

And of course I love to color books like these! these are my latest shopping here! image I got some unicorn coloring books and a frozen book that Daddy reads me before bed! I really love it and may focus on these books in another post! and yeah Look at my forky! he so cute! image I was actually out of hope cause all the merch was released and didn't get mine at Disney store but then I found him at a nearby toy store and finally I have my babyyy  image he so cute! he talks and his arms,mouth and eyebrows are made with soft plastic! his eyes shakes also a lil bit!

And I also love collecting DVD cause yeah I love having my favourite movies on CD instead of digital stuff like netflix extc... also cause on the tv of my room I can't see Netflix image btw is so cool and nostalgic putting the dvd and watch! makes me feel super soft and small image

yeah! this is all for now! I hope you enjoyed my post and maybe inspired you about little tricks to make you feel small! I may add even more to the next posts like paci review and sippy cups! so yeah! STAY TUNED FOLKS!


Welcome ♥


Hello everyone and welcome back to my old blog! I've missed this blog and my stuff so much and I hope I will be able to post back again!I'm Bunny! Or Rori as you prefere! I'm a non community agedre and i love kawaii stuff,anime,manga,TV series and movies!I'm an horror junkie and a gamer! Please feel free to message me or comment and let's be friends!

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Il re arriva la galoppo liberandosi della sua ombra, facendo stridere l'armatura calciando le ossa succhiando carne e sangue digrignando distrugge il cuore e la mente lungo il cammino solitario verso un luogo remoto e lontano.
Se mi darai un paio di ali, io volerò per te anche se la terra intera dovesse venire sommersa dall'acqua. Se tu mi darai una una spada, io combatterò per te anche se il cielo intero dovesse trapassarti di luce. -bleach-
Aah, noi siamo avvelenati dalla luce della Luna -bleach-
Scricchiola, scricchiola, torre del Purgatorio, che squarci il mondo come la luce. Trema, trema, torre della spina dorsale, a precipitare saremo noi o il cielo? -bleach-
Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation. -OW-
900 years of time and space, Ive never met anyone who wasn't important -Doctor Who-
I am and always will be the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes and the dreamer of improbable dreams. -doctor who-
The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. Good things don’t always soften the bad things, but vice versa, the bad things don’t necessarily spoil the good things or make them unimportant. -doctor who-
what's the point of growing up if you can't be childish sometimes. -doctor who-
Vieni tu dal cielo profondo o sorgi dall'abisso, Beltà? Il tuo sguardo, infernale e divino, versa, mischiandoli, beneficio e delitto. -Baudelaire-
Da Satana o da Dio, che importa? Angelo o Sirena, se tu ci rendi – fata dagli occhi di velluto, ritmo, profumo, luce, mia unica regina! – l'universo meno odioso, meno pesante il minuto? -Baudelaire-
Fermate gli orologi, il telefono sia rimosso, Tenete buono il cane con un succulento osso, Fate tacere i pianoforti e con un rullio smorzato Esponete la bara, ricevete chi è addolorato Fate che gli aerei volteggino alti con sconforto scrivendo nel cielo il messaggio: Lui è Morto, Adornate di crespo il collo dei piccioni metropolitani, Fate indossare guanti neri ai vigili urbani. Lui era il mio Nord, il mio Sud, il mio Oriente e il mio Occidente, La mia settimana di lavoro e la mia domenica a far niente, Il mio mezzogiorno, la mia mezzanotte, il mio discorso, il mio canto, Credevo che l'amore fosse eterno: mi sbagliavo tanto. Non servono più le stelle: spegnetele una a una; Smantellate il sole e imballate la luna; Svuotate l'oceano, sradicate le piante. Perchè ormai più nulla sarà importante. -W.H.Auden
...Ascoltavo la pioggia... domandare al silenzio quanti nastri di strade annodavano il cuore. ...E la pioggia piangeva... asciugandosi al vento sopra tetti spioventi di desolati paesi. -A.Merini

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a lost unicorn
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images from E-shuushuu