I'm here with some news!
martedì 6 luglio 2021 alle 13:25 da Sunny Bunny Scamander


Mood: A lil scared but full of hope
Eating: nothing
On air: https://open.spotify.com/track/2Vqbniz8jYoZPvecpdVPq9?si=4f4897fd50de4e82
Icon: Barbara

Hi everybunny!image Summer it's finally here! (actually it's already July hehe image) I hope you're all ok! I've spent the evening searching for new artifacts for Zhongli, which means...eternal farming for the pale flame artifacts image Luckly I found a not so bad sands with ATK% and HP%! It's a long road ahead! image  btw I love the new Barbara skin! I have Barbara C6 image and ready to Resurrect people!image

Also I was roaming on vinted and I found some super cute stuff I bought! I found a super cute limited edition Ariel Build a Bear plush! image  I called her Aqua and I brought her to the sea! image I love her blue eyes and fur! I don't really like vigs on bears so I didn't get it and not looking for it hehe image

   Also, I've watched Luca and I loved it so so much! it was so fun to see since I'm Italian and I enjoyed watching it in English so I could notice when they used italian! It was fun and I learned that I have to say "silenzio Bruno" a lil bit more to be stronger! image sometimes we have to dare to enjoy life! Discover new places, live new adventures! image 

I love the colors they used and the ambientation is very realistic! For your info PortoRosso doesn't exist but it's inspired by Le cinque terre! It's a group of lil fishers towns in Liguria: Monterosso,Vernazza,Corniglia,Manarola and Riomaggiore. Probably Monterosso became Portorosso! But look how beautyful it is! I wanna go there by train and enjoy all the view!

Also the story is super cute and relaxing! It reminds me of some Ghibli movies, like there's not the end of the world or mega enemies to defeat, is mor like everyday's life (exept for the sea monsters but heeh) I Loved how they were leaving their dreams and fighting against the local bully. Ercole is the perfect italian bully with the vespa! 
image But ther underdogs are way cooler! I wanna be with the underdogs! 

I like the details of his little moustache XD Also the sweater he always care about or how they use the pinched fingers so well! In italy the pinched fingers mean "what do you want" or " what are you doing??" It's to emphasize our question,especially if we think the other is doing something stupid or when we explain something is really simple to us! 

Also here's my new hubby! he's V and he's the new playable character on Devil may cry V! I love the new gameplay system, how he controls his demons,how he fights in the background waiting to give the final shot to gain the kill, I really love his taunts! He plays the violin with his stick! He's a total new character, he looks like Adam Driver so more comfort character points for him image This is a screenshot I took with Shadow image


I hate the fact that they ended up fusing him with Vergil with the excuse he was only a human part of him. COME ON you were finally detaching from the usual Dante vs Vergil cliche'!image You were making a total new character cause, honestly, he doesn't seem like Vergil at all, maybe you were scared of working hard again over him? I know he may be complicated but LOOK you did something great! why destroy it in like...ten minutes of cutscene?? Please give me back my boy. image


Btw I love him, I love his quiet and kind temper, I love playing with him and his amazing skills, I love him when he jumps on Shadow to surf on it and when Griffon makes jokes or just vibes while fighting. I LOVE THIS BOY.

Guess who's another free serotonine boy?? Coco!! He's my baby shiba inu, he's 3 months old and super sweet and fluffy!image I got him from one of my dearest friends,  He's red mained and still has his puppy fur so he will be lighter soon, I think he will have eyebrows too image he knows "sit" for now and we're working on the rest! he loves chewing on his toys and deer antler, he loves cuddles and biting fingers (kindly ofc) He still has to get his third vaccine dose so we still can't go around and we'll have to wait a few weeks image

I hope you enjoyed my new post! I'll update you soon with other nerdy stuff and games! if you have any request just ask in the comments! Bye biii~

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Hello everyone and welcome back to my old blog! I've missed this blog and my stuff so much and I hope I will be able to post back again!I'm Bunny! Or Rori as you prefere! I'm a non community agedre and i love kawaii stuff,anime,manga,TV series and movies!I'm an horror junkie and a gamer! Please feel free to message me or comment and let's be friends!

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Il re arriva la galoppo liberandosi della sua ombra, facendo stridere l'armatura calciando le ossa succhiando carne e sangue digrignando distrugge il cuore e la mente lungo il cammino solitario verso un luogo remoto e lontano.
Se mi darai un paio di ali, io volerò per te anche se la terra intera dovesse venire sommersa dall'acqua. Se tu mi darai una una spada, io combatterò per te anche se il cielo intero dovesse trapassarti di luce. -bleach-
Aah, noi siamo avvelenati dalla luce della Luna -bleach-
Scricchiola, scricchiola, torre del Purgatorio, che squarci il mondo come la luce. Trema, trema, torre della spina dorsale, a precipitare saremo noi o il cielo? -bleach-
Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation. -OW-
900 years of time and space, Ive never met anyone who wasn't important -Doctor Who-
I am and always will be the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes and the dreamer of improbable dreams. -doctor who-
The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. Good things don’t always soften the bad things, but vice versa, the bad things don’t necessarily spoil the good things or make them unimportant. -doctor who-
what's the point of growing up if you can't be childish sometimes. -doctor who-
Vieni tu dal cielo profondo o sorgi dall'abisso, Beltà? Il tuo sguardo, infernale e divino, versa, mischiandoli, beneficio e delitto. -Baudelaire-
Da Satana o da Dio, che importa? Angelo o Sirena, se tu ci rendi – fata dagli occhi di velluto, ritmo, profumo, luce, mia unica regina! – l'universo meno odioso, meno pesante il minuto? -Baudelaire-
Fermate gli orologi, il telefono sia rimosso, Tenete buono il cane con un succulento osso, Fate tacere i pianoforti e con un rullio smorzato Esponete la bara, ricevete chi è addolorato Fate che gli aerei volteggino alti con sconforto scrivendo nel cielo il messaggio: Lui è Morto, Adornate di crespo il collo dei piccioni metropolitani, Fate indossare guanti neri ai vigili urbani. Lui era il mio Nord, il mio Sud, il mio Oriente e il mio Occidente, La mia settimana di lavoro e la mia domenica a far niente, Il mio mezzogiorno, la mia mezzanotte, il mio discorso, il mio canto, Credevo che l'amore fosse eterno: mi sbagliavo tanto. Non servono più le stelle: spegnetele una a una; Smantellate il sole e imballate la luna; Svuotate l'oceano, sradicate le piante. Perchè ormai più nulla sarà importante. -W.H.Auden
...Ascoltavo la pioggia... domandare al silenzio quanti nastri di strade annodavano il cuore. ...E la pioggia piangeva... asciugandosi al vento sopra tetti spioventi di desolati paesi. -A.Merini

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a lost unicorn
template and code hikari megami ©
graphics rori Utsuki Manami ©
images from E-shuushuu