Sunny in Florence and Games!
mercoledì 12 gennaio 2022 alle 08:36 da Sunny Bunny Scamander


Hello everyone! How are you?image I'm quite ok, not having the best days but I'm doing my best to be ok and stop overthinking which is my speciality you know image  I just hope that these bad days will pass soon cause I'm so tired of being tired image  anyway, I have news about Genshin! I renuvated my Geo team and I love it! I am so happy that Itto exists cause he's a precious be...I mean boy, he is allergic to beans image  

this is my main team! I'm looking forward to grow Kokomi as a good DPS and a healer for my team image Kokomi is my fav female character in this game image Geo resonance is strong here with Zhongli amplifying AOE GEO DMG with his turrets! Also shield is vital and Gorou buffs the group! Itto helps with his bull attack and when Zhongli is done and Itto's burst is ready ,well...IT'S SHOWTIME! 

Recently I pulled for Xiao as well cause I got his polearm

and then I got the boy!!

 I'm so happy cause I lost 50/50 for the first time with him and I wanted him so bad! Also I feel guilty for skippin Kazuha that time cause it turned a very good character with his skill! I love swirl attacks and it would be a perfect EM also I have a sacrifical sword just for him waiting image I hope there will be soon a rerun, but before that I hope I will be able to get Zhongli C2 as well! I wanna sharer my shield with my friends image  Also I've started playing cookie run : Kingdom and I LOVE IT and I fell in love with Dark Choco Cookie! The best topping is the damage res! He's a strong tank very useful in PVP!



ANYWAY. my current team is this! 

I'm still a newbie but I was lucky getting all these cookies! The cotton candy cookie is my favourite support/healer and squid ink cookie is so sweet and strong! I am super attached to her cause she is my first epic cookie! she's a magical cookie that goes in the middle of the team spamming her ultimate does lots of AOE damage and this topping is super good for her attack speed reducing her cooldown!

also some rare cookies are super cute as well and my fav one is pancake cookie! I love his colors and style and I love custard cookie's voice, he's so funny! 


Also I love the story and the catchas are not so hard to play, it's quite easy at my level to gather gems and get 10x pulls once in a while from the gatcha! the banners are super cute and I got both cookies from winter banners! I only miss the ice queen but I'm not struggling to get her, I'm trying instead getting whipped cream cooke !

I want to throw back to my travel in Florence in November! I was so happy I could meet my brownie and my wife in Florence, I was so so happy! I traveled by train and I my brownie came up and took me to his apartment where we stayed for the night, we travelled in florence on those days and visited the Uffizi museum, it was his first time and my second! We visited on November so the price of the ticket was lower than summer! Florence is a beautyful town, it's moth modern and classical. It has lovely places and I love the Cathedral of Santa Maria Del Fiore. Designed by Arnolfo Di Cambio and it's the third largest church in the world! The Lily is the symbol of the city of Florence! Watching it, walking under pure history makes my heart go KABOOM! image There's so much beauty and history on those walls, and sharing it with my brownie was just magical! image I was not used animore to travel for long distances and a long time alone but this was a good decision and I had lots of fun outside of my safe bubble! 

We had so much fun watching cartoons and finding goodies at the asian and american market! I found my new drug, the caramel condensed milk called carnation! I LOVE IT  I put it inn my milk and coffee and I go 

Also the Uffizi Gallery is a MUST GO if you come visit Florence, we have THE BEST BOYS: Botticelli , Da Vinci, Caravaggio and many others! You can see the Boticelli's Venere and Primavera that Hannibal used to love during his stay in town! 

Another masterpiece was "Angelo Musicante" by Rosso Fiorentino in 1521. It's a fragment of an Altarpiece gone lost! His expression is so sweet and the lute he's trying to play is so big! Making the scene even more cute

another masterpiece is Leda col cigno, by Francesco Melzi, inspired by the original one but lost Leda e il Cigno by Leonardo Da Vinci IMO this is one of the best copies I've seen irl mostly because the swan doesn't look like a pure swan, he has some traits that resembles Zeus, it shows that that swan is not a common swan ads the other copies show! 

Also you have to visit ponte vecchio, from there you can have  such a beautiful view of the city

I got some cute stuff from Primark and got my chimming Eeyore and I love him so much! Also we don't have Starbucks where I live so I enjoyed  my gingerbread coffee like HELL YEAH

So yeah that's all everyone! image I hope you enjoyed reading my blog as much as I do writing it, it's sad that these platforms are nowdays left alone and other social medias are more used. image cause most of them are just photo galleries and rarely we stop and read what others have to say, we just drop an heart and go on instead of stopping by and watch what's behid the picture. i miss my blog friends and bloggoing so much and I hope one day things will turn as the good old days! image

Welcome ♥


Hello everyone and welcome back to my old blog! I've missed this blog and my stuff so much and I hope I will be able to post back again!I'm Bunny! Or Rori as you prefere! I'm a non community agedre and i love kawaii stuff,anime,manga,TV series and movies!I'm an horror junkie and a gamer! Please feel free to message me or comment and let's be friends!

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Il re arriva la galoppo liberandosi della sua ombra, facendo stridere l'armatura calciando le ossa succhiando carne e sangue digrignando distrugge il cuore e la mente lungo il cammino solitario verso un luogo remoto e lontano.
Se mi darai un paio di ali, io volerò per te anche se la terra intera dovesse venire sommersa dall'acqua. Se tu mi darai una una spada, io combatterò per te anche se il cielo intero dovesse trapassarti di luce. -bleach-
Aah, noi siamo avvelenati dalla luce della Luna -bleach-
Scricchiola, scricchiola, torre del Purgatorio, che squarci il mondo come la luce. Trema, trema, torre della spina dorsale, a precipitare saremo noi o il cielo? -bleach-
Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation. -OW-
900 years of time and space, Ive never met anyone who wasn't important -Doctor Who-
I am and always will be the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes and the dreamer of improbable dreams. -doctor who-
The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. Good things don’t always soften the bad things, but vice versa, the bad things don’t necessarily spoil the good things or make them unimportant. -doctor who-
what's the point of growing up if you can't be childish sometimes. -doctor who-
Vieni tu dal cielo profondo o sorgi dall'abisso, Beltà? Il tuo sguardo, infernale e divino, versa, mischiandoli, beneficio e delitto. -Baudelaire-
Da Satana o da Dio, che importa? Angelo o Sirena, se tu ci rendi – fata dagli occhi di velluto, ritmo, profumo, luce, mia unica regina! – l'universo meno odioso, meno pesante il minuto? -Baudelaire-
Fermate gli orologi, il telefono sia rimosso, Tenete buono il cane con un succulento osso, Fate tacere i pianoforti e con un rullio smorzato Esponete la bara, ricevete chi è addolorato Fate che gli aerei volteggino alti con sconforto scrivendo nel cielo il messaggio: Lui è Morto, Adornate di crespo il collo dei piccioni metropolitani, Fate indossare guanti neri ai vigili urbani. Lui era il mio Nord, il mio Sud, il mio Oriente e il mio Occidente, La mia settimana di lavoro e la mia domenica a far niente, Il mio mezzogiorno, la mia mezzanotte, il mio discorso, il mio canto, Credevo che l'amore fosse eterno: mi sbagliavo tanto. Non servono più le stelle: spegnetele una a una; Smantellate il sole e imballate la luna; Svuotate l'oceano, sradicate le piante. Perchè ormai più nulla sarà importante. -W.H.Auden
...Ascoltavo la pioggia... domandare al silenzio quanti nastri di strade annodavano il cuore. ...E la pioggia piangeva... asciugandosi al vento sopra tetti spioventi di desolati paesi. -A.Merini

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a lost unicorn
template and code hikari megami ©
graphics rori Utsuki Manami ©
images from E-shuushuu